


医生没说很清楚,之说通常 Progesterone (孕酮)和Estrogen (雌激素)的比例是 1:10。


首先,找到这个网站 教人怎么算荷尔蒙:

原来,医生 P:E 的对比应该是以 molecule 来算的。
而且 Medical Report progesterone 的 unit 是 ng,Estrodiol 的 unit 是pg! (1 ng =
1000 pg)

我只好重新算自己的 P:E 对比

首先,把 Progesterone的 ng 换去pg ie 6.11x1000= 6110 pg

然后,把 Progesterone 和 Estrogen convert 去 Mol
Estradiol Conversion Factor: pg/ml x 3.671 = pMol/L

Progesterone Conversion Factor: pg/ml x 3.18 = pMol/L

P: 6110 x 3.18 = 19430

E: 125.6 x 3.671 = 461

所以我的P:E 比例是 19430:461

ie 42:1

冒汗!正常的对比应该有 51-150:1

我真的是不及格哦!这不会是 更年期 的先兆吧?

到底 Progesterone 和 Estrogen 这两个荷尔蒙  比例对比不对的话会有什么后遗呢?

Estrogen 帮助 生殖器官的成长,维持骨骼健康,维持心脏和血管正常操作。

过高的迹象包括:情绪化、易怒、不安、水肿、纤维囊性乳房疾病(fibrocystic breast)、臀部痴肥、经血流量多(因为子宫墙过厚或有肿瘤之类)、甲状腺问题。

Progesterone 维持 生理周期 正常,乳房的健康,维持怀孕 等。
但是过多的话就会造成 嗜睡、头晕、胀气、容易被酵母菌(yeast)感染。

我还在这个article 发现 了很重要的讯息

Female fat distributions

Progesterone & estrogen both play a role in keeping the waist of women smaller. This is because estrogen works against the action of insulin (and testosterone a belly fat storing hormone in women) while both estrogen and progesterone oppose the action of cortisol.  Insulin and cortisol, together with testosterone and low estrogen, are implicated in belly fat deposition in women. Estrogen is the biggest factor in increasing fat storage at the hips and thighs providing the hour-glass shape. Progesterone with estrogen halts the storage of fat around the waist, but stress can have more of a negative impact on progesterone’s action. High stress has been shown to negatively impact progesterone, so a women who sees fat accumulating around the waist may want to work to reduce stress and raise progesterone.

Interestingly, progesterone can be used to make cortisol in the adrenal glands. Many holistic physicians, including ourselves, believe progesterone derived from the ovaries can be used to increase cortisol production when needed. This is called “progesterone steal” and it is used to describe a situation where the adrenal glands “steal” or “use up” progesterone to make the stress hormone cortisol. This likely only becomes an issue at menopause. At the same time, just as progesterone interrupts the action of cortisol, cortisol does the same thing to progesterone making stress especially insidious for women.

Estrogen is a little different. Estrogen works to increase fat storage by up-regulating what is known as alpha-adrenergic receptors in female fat depots around the hips and thighs. Adrenergic receptors are like the gas and brake peddles on your car and work to accelerate or decrease fat usage. Beta-adrenergic receptors increase fat burning while alpha adrenergic receptors block it. The hips and thighs of a woman have higher amounts of alpha adrenergic receptors compared to men. This is also the major reason it is so difficult for some women to lose fat from the hips and thighs.

It is interesting to note here that one of the best ways to decrease the action of these alpha receptors is by using a low carb diet. This is why many women find fantastic results when they switch from the standard high carb diets and adopt more low carb eating patterns.

Many women have plenty of fat to spare in the hips and thighs but instead of burning it, they will become smaller in the torso and breast first and remain bigger on the bottom. This is a very frustrating scenario for many. Estrogen increases alpha-adrenergic receptor numbers while progesterone decreases it. Progesterone, like testosterone in men, MAY increase beta-adrenergic receptors. In this way, estrogen and progesterone work to influence the ability to burn fat and determine from which areas it will be taken from. This is an issue of hormone balance not calories.

Women should not make the mistake of assuming estrogen is all bad. Too high is not good, but neither is too low. Estrogen helps the body be more sensitive to insulin and has fat-loss and muscle building benefits in that regard. As long as it is in balance with progesterone and other hormones it aids fat loss for women

看了简直是 晴天霹雳啊!

终于明白自己的臀部为什么 越减越肥了!

为了健康有可以顺便瘦身,我得加强自己的 progesterone level 了!

医生有 prescribe 了一些 天然的 Progesterone cream 给我。


减低 estrogen

1. Decrease exposure to all estrogen related factors in the diet and environment. Including plastic bottles, coffee, soy, pesticides, non-organic meats, sodas, etc.

2.Help the body deal with excess estrogen through natural detoxification. This is done through increased intake of green tea, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.), increased fiber, tailored supplementation, and decreased dairy and grain (yes, these cause excess release of insulin and conventional milk products may add to the estrogen burden).

3. Decrease insulin and cortisol effects by decreasing most grains and starches, and replace with fruits and vegetables. Drink water (not out of plastic) and green tea, and skip coffee and other beverages.

4. Supplement with Vitamin D, calcium, and Fish Oil, yes to protect bones, but more importantly to decrease inflammation, protect against heart disease and cancer, and balance female hormones.

5. Train with weights 3 to 5 times per week. If you want to burn fat, decrease belly fat, build bone, improve mood, enhance strength, bolster self-esteem, tighten the body – NOTHING compares to weight lifting exercise. Walking is necessity, NOT exercise. Women should walk as much as they can daily.

6. Young menstruating women on low carb diets can use the unique attributes of the menstrual cycle to their advantage.


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